Video was sooo 2014 wasnt it?
Well, it was, but that doesnt mean its going away, and when the worlds biggest search engine (Google of course), owns the worlds second biggest search engine (Youtube), you can be pretty sure its going to be just as big in 2015.
Nothing illustrates this better than the rise of the vlogger, and their accelerated creep into mainstream public consciousness.
Bloggers, like video, have been around for a while, posting, tweeting and commenting on a broad range of issues, but its the rise of the vlogger that has really propelled this group into a new stratosphere.
This is partly due to the medium of video simply being more accessible and younger consumers wanting the instant fix of information in a format thats quick and easy to digest.
But it goes beyond this and into the growth of how to videos, which has seen a 50% increase in the past 12 months, as more people want to know how to do things.
More cooks, beauticians, DIY experts and dedicated followers of fashion have popped up to offer regular advice on everything and anything we want and need.
This is perfectly illustrated by Zoella, who has a following of nearly 7 million people (most young) and her rise to fame as she blogs about fashion, beauty and teenage life in general.
The commercial power hasnt limited her to web either, with her own beauty range in Superdrug and book deal.
With the rise of stars like this video is most definitely soooo next year.